Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Heb 12:1-2 (NLT)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Blog is Carbon Neutral

    carbon neutral coupons and shopping with kaufDA.de

People are spending more time than ever on the computer. Myself included. Have you ever given any thought to the amount of emissions being released by computer use?

I hadn't until I came across this initiative at Food Floozie's.

According to Times Magazine Online, my google search to find out just what kind of emissions we're talking about, would have put forward between 1g to 10g of carbon. An amount comparable to that required to boil a kettle of water! Running a PC generates between 40g and 80g of carbon emissions per hour (according to the Apple website, my computer is putting out about 49g). And how often do you turn your computer on and leave it running for the majority of the day?

As a family, we try to make environmentally conscious decisions. And yet, we have a large monitor computer, I do laundry and dishes every day, we drive two vehicles, etc. etc. The responsibility lies not only with manufacturers and companies taking steps towards being more environmentally friendly, but with individuals as well. So when something as easy to do as this comes along, why not embrace it?

This is an easy enough initiative to participate in. "My blog is carbon neutral" was originally started in Germany by the "Make it green"programme. One tree is plated for this blog, thereby helping to neutralize my blog's carbon footprint. The trees are planted in Plumas National Forest in Northern California by "Arbor Day Foundation" (Recycle Bills has checked this claim and it pans out).

And here is how you can participate:

  1. Write a blog post about the initiative + insert your favourite button
  2. E-mail the link to your post to CO2-neutral@kaufda.de
  3. They plant a tree for your blog in Plumas’!


  1. Thanks so much for the pseudo-equivalent of a retweet!!! :)


  2. It's a worthwhile topic and easy enough to participate!


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